JotForm is developed mainly for webmasters, but anybody with an Internet connection can use it. JotForm is WYSIWYG, so you can still make web forms without any web design or HTML experience. Since JotForm is hosted on our servers, there are no requirements. JotForm supports all standard web form field types. In addition, it allows you to use new and intuitive fields in your form such as Date Time Picker, Star Ratings, or CAPTCHA checks. Using JotForm, you can create any kind of web form.
JotForm is completely free for Basic usage. You can create forms, integrate them into your site, and collect submissions from your users without any cost.
HiperLink: http://www.jotform.com/
I am desperately trying to figure out a problem when inserting a jotform form into my blogspot.
When i insert the code into a post and publish it, the form shows up fine....but it is halfway down the page of my post.
I know this can be an issue with "br" tags, but I don't know enough about code to find these tags. They're not in the code that is inserted in the post.
Any ideas?!
Thanks so much!!1
Hi kari,
Go to your Blogger administration area and press the button to edit that post.
Bellow the text area where you entered the form code, you have a link that says "Post Options". Click on it and 4 options will show up.
On the "Edit HTML Settings" option, check the last one that says "Ignore newlines".
Save and preview and I hope it will be solved. You really have lots of line breaks in the CSS of the form's code. That is what is pushing it down.
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